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The Education Act of Ontario requires that students attend school regularly and punctually each school day. We put great emphasis on consistent school attendance. Students must be present to learn!

Please telephone the school on the day of absence. The school’s answering machine is on daily for your convenience. Please leave a message giving the reason for your child’s absence. Telephone explanations are acceptable when a note is not sent. If no telephone call has been made, written notes signed by a parent or guardian are required to authorize student absences and lateness.

** A telephone call will be made to parents/guardians for those students who do not have an explained absence. If we are unable to contact anyone at home, we will be calling parents at work. This is for your child’s protection.**

Uninterrupted Learning Environment

In an effort to reduce the number of interruptions in classroom programming, we ask you to please write a note to your child’s teacher if you have a message or if you know of an upcoming appointment or a time that you will be picking them up. Phone messages will be left in the teacher’s mailboxes, so any calls that come in after 1:30 may not be picked up by the teacher until after the end of the school day.

Late Arrival

Students arriving at school late must bring a note explaining the reason for tardiness and sign in at the main office before returning to class. Late arrivals disrupt classes already in progress. Consistent late arrivals will require attention by the administration.

Leaving Early

Leaving early must be authorized by parents/guardians. If authorization is by telephone, a written confirmation must be submitted the day following the absence if you are unable to sign your child out. In all but emergency circumstances, parent(s) / guardian(s) must come into the office to sign out their children. The school staff can not excuse a student early during the regular day unless there is confirmation of parent/guardian authorization